Selasa, 12 April 2011


I know that you dont know what MPL, do you?
Let me tell to you.

MPL was the name of our friendship, M for Meli (Meliana Budiyati) , P for Puteri (Puteri Elliza Azhari) , and L for Lia (Meliana Maharani) and Lia (Lia Alvionita). Many people were called that name for us. I don't know where is it coming that name, maybe that's because we always go together anywhere. We began our friendship since July, 15th 2005 until TODAY :) I'm Meliana Maharani (Lia), I'm MeliPuteriLia's sisterhood :* we are MPL.

up (from left: puteri, liaA)
down (from left: me, meli)

(from left: liaA, me, meli, puteri)

(from left: meli, liaA)

(from left: me, puteri)


Thanks for Follow ˘⌣˘